I am totally destroyed by levaquin and steroids

by Janet

I am 55 had cfs for years but was doing pretty good, had a nice life. Took levaquin with steriods for bronchial infection, woke up 3 months later with a frozen shoulder and severe tendon and joint pain. Seven months of therapy it never healed. Something was not right.

Six months later I was given it again with 2 packs of steriods. Three months later again I woke up and could not walk. Extreme pain in the sacrum, weakness in legs, all tests are normal, I am in horrific pain, NOTHING helps!

Doctors deny this, yet I have ever symptoms including heart palpitations, fatigue now depression. It has been 5 months since I woke up barely walking and have not improved a little. I am very scared, I do not know what is coming, I have no doctor to follow me as they all deny this can be Levaquin, I KNOW IT IS. Will the bone,tendon whatever in the buttock ever heal? my arm never did.

I almost wish it had done me in as living like this is not living it is horrific pain 24/7.

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by: Anonymous

Thank for your information. It has help me to decide not to take this medicine. I would be horrified to wake up and not be able to move. I hope you improve. You are in my prayers.

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